Stuntcock Tryouts is an original porn site with exclusive high quality 1280x720 HD videos of real actors who think they have what it takes to become stuntcocks in the porn business. Being a carnal costar for porn's hottest sex symbols is not as easy as it may sound... and this site does a great job of mixing the reality of the job requirements with the hardcore raw passion of the sex that comes along with it! |
Lifestyle Amateurs is more of an adult community than a single website, with many individual sites all linked together in a gigantic network of real amateur porn presented in a totally new way! Each model owns her own amateur site and Lifestyle Amateurs helps them show off for the first time online. You can even create your own pornsite! This is the ultimate swinger site for anyone who wants to explore the exhibitionist lifestyle or become a voyeur fan of the next great amateur starlets! |