You don't want to be left counting the days of the week on your fingers and toes waiting for the next update at your favorite porn site. You want your Foot Fetish Daily, where ankles and feet come to meet for sexy videos featuring the sexiest toes and all kinds of leg-centric action. It's foot fetish porn served up fresh every single day! |
The beautiful Chloe Jones is a Club Jenna performer and a personal friend of legendary pornstar Jenna Jameson. Chloe has appeared in Playboy, Penthouse, Club and many other top adult magazines - so you know by her impressive credentials that this blonde bombshell isn’t just any old porn star. Blonde-haired, blue-eyed, a Gemini born in Texas and you know how everything’s big in The Lone Star State, well if you had any doubts, wait 'til you see Chloe's tits! |