Brazzers Pass is the gigantic network access pass of the entire Brazzers collection of top quality porn sites. By joining you get access to one of the largest and best exclusive fuck-film sites featuring the sexiest women in the world doing some of the naughtiest things ever recorded for video. Look at the list of Included Sites on the right of this review and let your dick know his birthday came early this year by signing up and unwrapping all that Brazzers has to offer! |
Posh Wife promises a look into the lifestyle of some very sexy British housewives. The site actually provides about a dozen short movie clips (some without sound) and several picture sets. The good news is that the material is exclusive, the bad news is that the quality of the content is low and the updates are infrequent. If you really want to see amateur models from the UK it may be worth a look but overall the site still needs work. |