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HD Internet Hookups
HD Internet Hookups
Wanted List VOD
Wanted List VOD
HD Internet Hookups is a sex site with an interesting angle. The back-story of each scene on the site shows a guy or two picking up a chick online, meeting her and banging her! The movies themselves are well made, and who knows.... maybe this 'online class' in internet chat-room dating techniques will raise your confidence in your own chat pickup attempts.   Wanted List VOD claims to be a Video On Demand site but they do not charge a pay-per-minute fee. Instead there is a flat monthly fee of $24.95 per month to watch over 22,000 videos from well over 3,000 DVDs in their archives. Their price per day and per disc is lower than some of their more full-featured competitors and they also have a DVD by mail option where they will mail you porn DVDs much the same way Netflix handles mainstream movies. One major drawback is that none of the movies can be downloaded or saved. It's all streaming online only.
Result of last match:
Punky Jaine
Punky Jaine

See The Full Review of Punky Jaine or take a tour of Punky Jaine yourself.

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